yeah i know my profile is messed up but im working

March 30 2008, 2:25 PM

. . . kinda

last night was brutal . . . ricky and i stayed up till 5 in the morning over at a friends house drinking double shots of canadian hunter...lots of juice was spilled and lots of feellings and emotions came out between all of us that you're emberrassed about the next day LOL. its ok i had a lot of fun :] now i have to goto work hungover!


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St. Patties Day//The Lake

March 24 2008, 1:52 AM

i dont even know how to explain st patties day this year. too many emotions+too much drinking. my friends are all deciding to reproduce at an early age-i  however am not. my bf and i had to deal with our own demons and also hear a 1month long couple discuss what they are going to do because they are having a kid together x.x. sometimes i just dont know about the people i hang out with, yet i cant deny we have a hella good time.


i went to the lake with a few of my friends yesterday. my bf played hookie from work, we got some beer/maddog/smirnoff and got to the lake just before sunset. it was really pretty i wish i had my camera. when we left i was pretty buzzed and driving back to my friend's apartment and an armadillo ran out in front of my car on a country rode and my bf caught himself on fire when i swerved the car to miss it x.x twas scary but the car ride back was really fun cause we were blastin the neden song by ICP and enjoying being loud as fuck and not having to worry about parents and neighbors.


its been fun but i think im just gonna lay low this week lol


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  • Female
  • 20 years old


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Last update Mar 30, 2008
